Further assays received from the recent first pass reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at the Company’s 100% owned Koolyanobbing Metals Project (KMP) have confirmed the presence of significant near surface high-grade gold mineralisation at the Golden Wishbone Prospect.
Golden Wishbone
ASQ carried out a further aircore drilling program at Golden Wishbone in November 2024. Data compilation and georeferencing of non-digital data recently identified in the Golden Wishbone SE target area is progressing. Future planned work includes reprocessing of recently released high resolution magnetics data to assist with identification of gold mineralisation controlsfollowed by infill and extension drilling of reported zones of mineralisation and other target areas.
For further details click here.
ASQ received $1m from PEP to fund this work in return for offtake of up to 10Mt Quartz at a 10% discount to the market price.
Heritage clearance survey completed at Quartz Hill, drilling was carried out during the 2023 year.
A Research and Development program has been underway utilising samples collected from the Company’s tenement package. The program involves combining innovative processing techniques with conventional methods with the aim of producing a high purity product (“HPQ”) from ASQ’s existing prospects. Testwork to date indicates the innovative processing flowsheet developed by ASQ’s HPQ R&D program compares favourably to conventional processing methodology (ASQ (2021). Hardrock High Purity Quartz and Silica Update – Revised. ASX Release 15 December 2021). Recent work has focused on the fine tuning of the process parameters and on the commercialisation of the process flowsheet to make it suited to large scale industrial production.